Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day of Silence

This friday is the Day of Silence.  It is a "national youth-run effort using silence to protest the actual silencing of LGBT people due to harassment, bias and abuse in schools," and our school participates in it every year. I've definitely been participating for as long as I've known about it. 
I'm kind of pumped for it. In the past, I've brought whiteboards to help communicate, though I think I might actually go for some hardcore silence this year. 

Also, next week I'm going to donate blood! I've never donated before; hopefully there's nothing wrong with me preventing me from doing so (I'm more afraid of being turned down for donating than I am of the actual needle.) You have to be at least 17, and none of my friends are either old enough or willing to... I can't understand why you wouldn't want to, though! 

Plus, I have type O blood (though I'm not sure if it's positive or negative!), making me a universal donor. I want to help the best I can!
What makes me really angry, though, is that when I got my driver's license, my mum didn't check the donor box. It wasn't her decision to make--I would rather be helping others than taking my organs with me to rot. 

Yay activism!

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